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A Letter from the President


First and foremost, I would like to congratulate Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. on celebrating their Centennial - 100 years of scholarship, service, sisterly love, and finer womanhood. We pay tribute to our five most honorable pearls for creating a vision so that we can excel and live more meaningful lives. Cheers to one hundred years and one hundred years more!


I want to extend a sincere thank you on the chapter’s behalf to everyone who has supported us this year through our programs, fundraisers, service trips, and performances! Most especially, thank you to the Office of the Dean of Campus Life and the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life. To my beloved chapter, congratulations on a wonderful year and thank you for all of your hard work!


Blu Notes is the official publication of the Alpha Tau Chapter, brought to you to review the academic year and to celebrate the accomplishments of past and present members of the chapter. As “A community-conscious, action-oriented organization” we have continued to go green with our first digital issue in 2015. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. has a history of environmental consciousness, sponsoring an environmental memorandum in 2015 and being the first to do so! As a chapter, we are proud to say that we carry on this legacy through environmentally friendly practices.


The 2019-2020 academic year has truly been a rewarding one thus far! In August, we attended the GA Summer Workshop filled with informative sessions and awesome fellowship. We held a successful coin drive for March of Dimes as well as our annual step show, HallowZeen, which proceeds also contributed to March of Dimes. With the help of the community, we packaged and donated care packages to the homeless in Atlanta and baby baskets for teen mothers. We held study sessions and continued our signature program “Movies and MocktailZ.” And completed nearly 100 hours of service. We look forward to all this and more in the Spring semester!


None of this would be possible without your support! As we look forward to next year, we are excited to know that you will be on the ride with us!



Zakiya Collier


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